Category: Off Grid

  • Thermosiphons


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    Ah, the elusive thermo-siphon wood-fired hot water heating system! Simply, a thermosiphon is a device which siphons liquid based on a thermal change – a thermal delta. When described in the context of off-grid systems, it may refer to a special type of hot water tank, which is installed in proximity to a wood stove.…

  • Air Shed Updates

    Air Shed Updates

    The “air-shed” is the small shed located next to the 440’ deep water well, which houses the compressors and air tanks to create and store air for the air powered well pump system. This year’s update included (finally) installing a closet housing a 200 amp hour battery system with direct current distribution, able to power…

  • Experimental Components

    Experimental Components

    A few shop photos.

  • Compressed Air Deep Water Well Pump

    Compressed Air Deep Water Well Pump


    Title says it all. Two ways to make the compressed air: solar and batteries, or honda motor.

  • An example of a Sterling Engine

    An example of a Sterling Engine

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    This device is purely mechanical: it is not a thermal electric generator.